Artificial girl 3 characters-clothing-textures
Artificial girl 3 characters-clothing-textures

artificial girl 3 characters-clothing-textures

Video Game Cruelty Potential: Of sorts.No Export for You: Illusion has a strict policy of not allowing their games to be exported.

artificial girl 3 characters-clothing-textures

Les Yay: Actually possible in 3, with the "Likes Girls" trait.Harem Seeker: Artificial Girl 3 and the expansion allow you to have up to five girls in a single savefile.Game Mod: There is a thriving modding community who have created an absolutely huge library of additional content, including props, clothing, replacement skin textures for the girls and even mods to the girls' 3d models themselves.Also of note, the most recent clothing editor is actually very in depth, allowing one go so far as importing custom textures to apply to a number of base shapes. Interesting in that the player character is not the one that allows the most (or any) customization. Character Customization: Arguably the purpose of the game.Brother-Sister Incest: Not only can you have the girl(s) address you as Onii-chan in 3, but also give them a " likes family" trait.Obviously never gonna see an international release, as is Illusion's policy. Having created said character, the game allows you to walk around in a visually unimpressive virtual world and, well, interact with the girl that was just created.Īfter creating the girl and entering the world, the only thing that can be changed about the girl (barring anything done through mods) is the clothing she wears, though the available options are quite in depth.

artificial girl 3 characters-clothing-textures

From 3 onward, one could also choose certain personality traits to add. It allows the player to design from scratch an ideal girl, picking hair color, eye color, voice, and bust size.

artificial girl 3 characters-clothing-textures

PAGES WILL BE DELETED OTHERWISE IF THEY ARE MISSING BASIC MARKUP.Īrtificial Girl is a series of three H-games (and an expansion pack) made by the Japanese gaming company Illusion. DON'T MAKE PAGES MANUALLY UNLESS A TEMPLATE IS BROKEN, AND REPORT IT THAT IS THE CASE. THIS SHOULD BE WORKING NOW, REPORT ANY ISSUES TO Janna2000, SelfCloak or RRabbit42. The Trope workshop specific templates can then be removed and it will be regarded as a regular trope page after being moved to the Main namespace.

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  • Artificial girl 3 characters-clothing-textures