Hudson Bay, north magnetic pole Ugansk Bay, Eskimo art complex, Chubb meteor crater Buffalo Lake, Alberta, Canada major concentration of medicine wheels South Australia aboriginal land Marilinga atomic test site, Wilpena Pound huge meteor impact siteĤ5. Intersection of Mid-Indian and Southwest Indian Ridges L'uyengo on Usutu River in Swaziland, Great Zimbabwe, site of earliest pre-humans d, r, birds over winter Japan's Devils's Sea- between Iwo Jima and Marcus Island, seismic activity, Ships & Planes Disappear Ancient Du Jiang irrigation, home of panda ġ4. Karachi, Pakistan Indus Valley, ancient Mohenjo Daro culture d, birds over winter Great Pyramid at Giza, Egypt Mysteries, rites, Energy, Egyptian Book of the Dead rġ2. Algerian megalithic ruins, Ahaggar ancient cave art w, d, fault line to Pakistan, #12 birds over winter Bermuda triangle - Bimini atoll, Bahamas, dĢ0. Hopi -between Sedona (AZ) & Four Corners, Hohokom waterworks r, ġ8.